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Singapore Epson Industrial Pte Ltd Plating Division has gotten the Gold certification under PUB’s Water Efficient Building (WEB) certification, in recognition for our efforts in water efficiency.
Water saving efforts has always been part of the company's CSR involvement since the 90's and in Sept 2014, Singapore Epson Industrial Pte Ltd Plating Division has achieve another milestone in getting the Gold Certificate under PUB Water Efficient Building (WEB) Certification as part of our continuous effort in water efficiency. Our local news channels, Channel News Asia and Channel 8 news covered the award cermony and this was what the media has to say.
"Singapore Epson Industrial (Plating Division), reported a 55 per cent water recycling rate, and S$600,000 to S$700,000, which amounts to about 8 per cent, savings on factory expenses annually. The recycled water is then reused in its production process.
In 2011, the firm developed an innovative Membrane Chemical Recycling System that "substantially" improved water recycling rate, up from 30 per cent in 2010. The company deals in electroplating production, which requires huge amounts of water.
Singapore Epson Senior General Manager Fang Shunong said, "We plan to expand our waste water treatment facility and target a 70 to 80 per cent water recycling rate over the next two to three years."
"In order to achieve this high recycling rate, we are looking into new technology like the desalination system or a high sophisticated membrane system to achieve the target," said Singapore Epson Industrial General Manager John Loh."
The whole report can be read here.